Roofers Give Back
When November rolls around, you start to hear more and more about charitable giving. Rightfully so: It’s the time of year for giving thanks and for sharing our good fortune with those who might be struggling in one way or another. All of us at Ridgeworth Roofing are happy to do so.
Charitable roofing projects have been a key part of Ridgeworth Roofing’s mission for decades. In Ridgeworth’s earlier days, founder Robert Petrick told his son, current president and owner Rod Petrick, that it was time for Rod to give back where he made his living. Rod has been giving back ever since.
Ridgeworth is not alone in its mission to make a difference. Although people don’t typically think of roofing and charitable giving as going hand-in-hand, many roofing contractors across the nation consider giving back an important and incredibly meaningful part of their business all year long. Individual roofing contractors often find their own ways to help members of their local communities through charitable projects. They often complete these projects quietly, as they don’t take them on for the limelight—they take them on for the good that comes of them. Sometimes, friendly competitors will even join forces to tackle larger projects together, all in the name of giving back.
Rod serves as vice president of the Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress’ board of trustees; in April 2018, he will become president. This forum of roofing contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, and industry professionals has started a charitable project that serves as a perfect example of the roofing industry coming together to do good in their communities. Members of the Alliance and the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) are in the process of “adopting” all the Ronald McDonald Houses in North America, committing to take on all roof maintenance and repair needs of every house at no cost. About 15 percent of the houses have been adopted thus far, with more roofing contractors signing on in the coming weeks and months.
Ronald McDonald Houses provide a place for families to call home near the hospital where their sick child is receiving treatment. Soon, the work of maintaining the roofs of all 185 houses will no longer be a concern for Ronald McDonald House Charities. Instead, local roofers wearing red-and-white-striped Ronald McDonald socks will be taking care of any roof issues that might arise. Here in Chicago, Ridgeworth Roofing has partnered with friendly competitors Bennett & Brosseau Roofing to take over the roof maintenance of a local Ronald McDonald House. The two companies hope to have roofers’ family members volunteering inside the house during the project, increasing the impact of their involvement on the guests of the house and on themselves as volunteers, as well.
Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. And, if you can, give back. There’s no better feeling than knowing you’re making a difference.
We’re thankful for all of our clients, past, present, and future: for their business, their loyalty, and their trust. Whatever your commercial roofing needs, give Ridgeworth Roofing a call today. We’re happy to help.