Thanks and Giving
This time of year we’re reminded to reflect on the good things in our lives: family, friends, good health, work that we love, a roof over our heads. For some, 2016 may have presented some real challenges. For the Ridgeworth family, some days this year were certainly far better than others. In the end, we are thankful for our many blessings, and even when times are hard, we try to remember our good fortune.
There are so many around us, though, who struggle day in and day out. It can make a world of a difference when someone steps up to help. As a company with the resources, relationships, and means to do so, we believe it’s our responsibility—and a privilege—to do just that. The charitable projects we take on each year remind us of the positive impact we can have and reveal the best in every participant. We work with colleagues and competitors to assist individuals and organizations that might otherwise go without roof repair or replacement. It gives us a wonderful sense of community and purpose to be able to help someone out.
You don’t have to literally put a roof over someone’s head to change a life, though. Anyone can make a difference, and it’s easy to start.
1. Get to know your community and its needs.
Learn about those around you. Ask questions. Pay attention. What organization could use your support? Where is there a need? Who is seeking help? Chances are, there are plenty of opportunities for service.
2. Figure out what you can contribute.
Do you have a particular skillset you might be able to share with others? For us, it was simple: We can provide the labor to install or repair a roof. Everyone has something to offer, whether it’s time as a volunteer, a specialized ability to fix or improve a situation, or even a monetary contribution to an organization or cause.
3. Find and work with others.
If one person can have an enormous impact, imagine what several can do. Combining efforts can make big things happen and can build community, too.
Even the smallest gesture—a monetary donation, a collection drive, the gift of time as a volunteer—can help make the world a better place. No matter where you start, you can make a difference.
Give thanks this Thanksgiving and in the days that follow by giving of yourself.
You won’t regret it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Copyright © 2017 Ridgeworth Roofing Company, Inc. All rights reserved.