What If? Winter Roof Damage and Preparing for Spring

What If?

Winter Roof Damage and Preparing for Spring

The groundhog did not see his shadow and spring is supposedly just around the corner. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t expect more wintry weather before this month is out, but it is a good time to think about spring and what the change in season means for your commercial roof. It’s also a good time to ask, what has the winter put it through—and what should you do about it?

What if a heavy snowfall has left a mountain of snow on my roof?

Heavy snow places an enormous amount of stress on a roof, which can lead to structural failure. You should never attempt to remove the snow from the roof yourself with shovels or ice picks, as this can damage your roof, and standing on a roof already under stress can put you at risk. Contact a professional roofing contractor to evaluate the situation and remove the snow safely.

What if ice has wreaked havoc on my gutters?

Damaged gutters cannot move water from your roof effectively, and standing water adds weight that the roof might not be equipped to handle. A professional roofing contractor can determine if your gutters can be repaired or must be replaced so your roof is ready to handle the upcoming spring and summer weather. Looking ahead, ensure that your gutters are kept clear of debris to prevent problems in the future.

What if I notice a crack in my commercial roof?

Extreme temperature fluctuations like those experienced by many areas of the U.S. this winter can cause your roof to expand and contract, leading a condition called a thermal split. This crack in your roof must be addressed by a professional, as it prevents your roof from protecting your building from the elements.

What if I have a leak inside my building?

A professional roofing contractor can evaluate the source and cause of the leak. It could be the result of thermal shock or ice damming, which occurs when the heat from inside the building melts ice on the roof from the underside, allowing water to enter under the roof covering and into the building. The leak could also be unrelated to the roof itself. An unsecured mechanicals door, for example, could be one explanation for water entering the building. Before you panic, call a professional.

What if everything looks okay to me?

Even if your roof seems fine upon your inspection, spring is a good time to call in the experts and schedule preventative maintenance. This will ensure that your roof continues to perform as it should.

Are you sensing a theme? Whatever you notice about your roof as winter comes to a close, contact a professional roofing contractor to make sure your roof is ready for spring. The experts at Ridgeworth Roofing are always ready to help.