Your Roof, Summer Storms, and Childcare

Your Roof, Summer Storms, and Childcare

It seems a strange combination, but your roof, summer storms, and childcare do have something in common.

Simply put, when it comes to the impact of summer storms on your roof, you should treat your roof like you’d treat a child. Granted, a roof should require far less of your energy than an energetic little person, but it should still receive a fair amount of attention, especially before and during storm season. It’s important to keep a close eye on things.

1. Expect the unexpected.

A responsible adult knows what to expect with children of all ages—and they’re also aware that they can’t always know what a particular child might do or how they might react to certain situations. The same is true of your roof in a storm. Some storms might prove harmless and your roof will come through even a major storm unscathed. But you know that the high winds, hail, heavy rains, and lightning of summer storms can damage any roof in both small and large ways. Storm damage isn’t restricted to older roofs—even a brand-new, flawlessly installed roof can fall victim to a bad summer storm, and just because your roof weathered the last major storm doesn’t mean it’ll be perfectly fine through the next one.

2. Be prepared.

Just as an adult will put sunscreen on a child at the beach or a helmet on before a bike ride, you should prepare your roof for whatever the weather might bring. Preventative maintenance is essential to keeping your roof working properly and ensuring a long lifespan. Make sure your roof is in its best condition by scheduling an annual inspection and preventative maintenance. A professional roofing contractor can identify and correct problems or potential problems that could become much larger issues in a storm. A little bit of advance preparation goes a long way.

3. Pay attention.

A watchful eye is a critical part of caring for a child, and it’s no less important with your roof. Check on it often and notice when something looks different or just not right. If it’s safe enough, take regular walks on your roof and note any changes. The earlier you can catch any problems and address them, the better.

4. Do a post-storm inspection.

When a child is hurt, a responsible adult will know what to do. They’ll check that child for injuries. They’ll tend to minor injuries by cleaning and bandaging them. If the injury is more severe, a responsible adult will get a professional involved. Following a storm, you should give your roof a similar check-up. Look for debris clogging gutters or blocking drains and remove it if it’s possible to do so safely. Check for damage to roof materials, standing water, or leaks inside the building. If you notice any of these issues, contact a professional roofing contractor to fix them and ready your roof for the next storm.

While you may not have the same love and affection for your roof as you might a child, your roof is a critical part of your building and an enormous investment, and it’s worth special care. This summer and throughout the year, treat your roof like a child.


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